Music Export Toolbox

1.Export Basics

The definition of export is when you take your product from the country you’re based into a new territory, often a country or market. These resources are here to help you prepare for, build and strategise when it comes to exporting your music. Whether you’re a label, manager or artist there’s plenty of skills to develop and innovations to keep on top of. 

In music there are many factors to consider when it comes to export. From choosing which countries to tour, to what language to write in and what platforms to use. More than anything it’s important to develop goals, aims and strategy to ensure you make the most of all opportunities and connect with audiences across the world effectively.

1.1 Music Industry structure

Intro: In order to understand how export works it’s vital to know the basics of how the music industry is structured. By breaking down your work into live, publishing, recording and branding, it’s easier to understand the different ways and parts of your work that you can export. This foundation of knowledge will support you in developing an impactful export strategy.

Basics of how the industry is structured by Nuno
Watch this lecture from Why? Portugal’s export expert Nuno Sariva. He’ll go through the main pillars of the industry, how they work and why they’re so important.

CMU – Making Money from Music Guide
– This DIY guide from CMU presents the basic ways that you can make money from your music and breaks down the various rights that you can licence to maximise your income.

Soundcharts – Mechanics of the Music Industry
– Soundcharts have split the music industry into 9 different sections and have a guide to the mechanisms of each part to help you breakdown the various parts of your work and understand how each part interacts with the others

Footprints: Being a Good Agent in the Music Industry with Good Music Company
– To better understand the role of a live agent – a key person if you want to export your music through live performances – Footprints provide a great overview of what their role is:

1.2 Getting ready for exporting
  • When are you ready for export? You can export at any time! Even small artists with niche or small followings are able to export, however it’s generally beneficial to have some foundation to your career before embarking on your export journey. If you can show you have a good fan base and growing career in your first territory, then you’ll be able to more easily show that you can find success in another territory.

Iceland Music: Are You Export Ready?
This is a useful checklist of things that most export ready artists have to help you more clearly understand what level ‘export ready’ means:

Guide to Export
This is a highly comprehensive guide that you can use to better understand the huge number of factors that come together when exporting your (or someone else’s) music. There’s a lot of elements to consider, but this straightforward guide breaks it down into manageable chunks to help you get started on your export journey.

  • Reading your data: Data can be an incredible tool for understanding how and where to export your music, where you might want to play live and what platforms to spend the most time on. However, sometimes data can be complex and it’s important to know what you have access to and how to read it effectively.MMF: Fan Data Guide
    This guide explains the different kinds of data, how it works and tips for using it effectively. There’s even a data checklist to help you prepare. Independent Artists Can Use Data by Christine Osazuwa
    – This is a comprehensive run down of practical ways you can read and use your data in your strategy. Filled with excellent and insightful tips it’ll ensure you have all the basics covered when trying to use data in your export work.

    Chartmetric: Why Music Data Analytics Tools Are an Artist’s Best Friend
    – A case study from Rufy Ghazi and Rutger Ansley Rosenborg on how they use Data Analytics to take their artists to the next level internationally.
  • Preparing your marketing and socials: Being prepared is incredibly important when it comes to export. Things could take off or be necessary at any minute, saving yourself stress, or even the possibility of missing out on opportunities is important. Here are some resources on preparing yourself well for marketing and socials.Songtrust: EPK Guide
    – How to create a brilliant EPK to show the best of your work and communicate clearly to those who might want to write about you or book you for a live show. Music Marketing Toolkit
    – A guide to marketing all aspects of your music in different ways, from live shows to singles, from direct to fan to through your record label

    Marketing with Spotify: Music Ally
    – This panel is a great run down of what you need to do to market your music with Spotify. Although it’s not available everywhere round the world it is the primary streaming platform in a number of countries. Find out more about how to do this effectively with the team from Music Ally and Spotify:

  • Researching and identifying key people: Research is a huge part of getting export ready. Understanding the artists, companies/labels, and key industry people that are operating in the country you want to go to is important to understanding where you might fit in. You can do this by searching festivals, events and charts in your target country, following them and paying attention to the things they talk about. Using the country guides provided as part of this export resource centre is a great place to start.Tips for research:
    – Keep track of what you find, write lists, have documents, use social media tools to group people together eg. Twitter lists or saved posts on Instagram
    – If you’re sharing the work, make sure that you clearly define who will look at what to ensure you’re not doing the work twice, it can be very time consuming.
    – Don’t message the people you find right away; wait for the right moment or until you have a carefully thought out strategy in place.
    – Use networks that already exist to find out about a country. By asking your peers or those around you who they might know in a particular country you have a fast track route to an introduction.
    – Look for those on a similar level to you, this will help you connect and provide mutually beneficial opportunities.
    – Remember your knowledge is useful too. When approaching people it’s important to realise that they might benefit from your experience and knowledge of the country you’re based in. Offering your own support can help others provide better support for you.
  • What a Music Export Office is and how you can use it: Music Export Offices are organisations that are there to help export music from their country. This is often done through the support of both musicians and music professionals. If your country has a music export office you can approach them for advice, contacts and often funding. They are a key part of the music export process.Gigmit: Europe’s Music Export Offices
    – Want to know if your country has a music export office that can support you? This Gigmit guide will let you know:

– The European Music Export Exchange is an organisation that brings together many of the European Music Export Offices in order to help them exchange knowledge and ideas. You can find out more about what a Music Export Office is and how they operate through following their events and opportunities.

1.2.1 Iceland Music: Are You Export Ready?

This is a useful checklist of things that most export ready artists have to help you more clearly understand what level ‘export ready’ means: ​​

1.2.2 MMF: Fan Data Guide

This guide explains the different kinds of data, how it works and tips for using it effectively. There’s even a data checklist to help you prepare.

1.2.3 ENKI x BC Music: Guide to Export

This is a highly comprehensive guide that you can use to better understand the huge number of factors that come together when exporting your (or someone else’s) music. There’s a lot of elements to consider, but this straightforward guide breaks it down into manageable chunks to help you get started on your export journey. 

1.2.4 How Independent Artists Can Use Data by Christine Osazuwa

This is a comprehensive run down of practical ways you can read and use your data in your strategy. Filled with excellent and insightful tips it’ll ensure you have all the basics covered when trying to use data in your export work.

1.2.5 Chartmetric: Why Music Data Analytics Tools Are an Artist’s Best Friend

A case study from ​​Rufy Ghazi and Rutger Ansley Rosenborg on how they use Data Analytics to take their artists to the next level internationally.

1.3 Exporting your release (recording and publishing)
  • Distribution: Each country will have a range of popular distributors that offer similar but slightly differing services, and you can upload your music directly to many of them for either a set fee or a percentage of sales. Some of the larger distributors will be prominent in most countries but if you have a specific country that you’re targeting it can be useful to look at the most popular distributors locally to see who might be effective in pitching your release.CD Baby: Releasing Music Guide
    CD Baby is a large-scale distributor with a range of resources to help you release your music effectively at home and abroad.

    Off The Record: Releasing Music Digitally Guide
    – A UK based guide to releasing your music by distributor EmuBands – everything you need to know to set your release up professionally.

    Most Popular Music Streaming Apps
    – Find out which music streaming apps have the most subscribers and market share. For more information about the popular streaming apps in a specific country, check the country profiles.

    CNM: Streaming – Practical Export Kit [French]
    – The French export office CNM has developed resources to help you understand and develop good practice when it comes to streaming, alongside videos and explanations they also link to guides for best practice on each of the major streaming platforms. It’s important to look at the most popular streaming platforms in the territory you’re aiming to export to and understand how to use them effectively:

  • Labels: Record labels can be a real help in a new territory. They often will understand the landscape better and when you’re signed, they have a vested interest in making sure your music gets out there. They can help connect you with local industry and advise on what makes the most sense. Check our country guides for more information on impactful labels in each country.CMU: Record Deals explained
    – CMU’s guide on record deals will help you understand how these are structured and what you might need to attract a label in a different country to release your music, if that’s the route you want to go down.

    MMF: Deals Guide
    – This deals guide explains in depth the kind of deals available in music and how they should support your development.

    Songwriter Universe: Record label directory
    – This directory for UK, US and Canadian record labels is updated every 8 weeks.

    IMPALA Membership
    – IMPALA has nearly 6,000 members including top independents and national associations of independent companies across Europe. If you’re looking for independent labels in specific countries check out their local independent organisations to start:

    Music Austria: Model Contracts
    – Music Austria have both German and English language model contracts for recording deals to help you understand what a good and fair contract should look like.

  • Publishing/Sync: Licencing and sync in a new territory can be difficult without a publisher, but it can be a very effective way of finding new audiences. Looking for opportunities to work with companies and those that work in visual media, and by making your work straightforward to find and licence, you’ll maximise your chances of getting exporting through publishing and sync.Songtrust: Sync Crash Course
    – Understand more about how you can use sync, so you can use it as a tool to export your work.

    Europe in Sync
    – This European organisation is dedicated to bringing together the music and the audio-visual industries, listen to their podcast to examine success stories and help you establish best practice when it comes to setting yourself up to secure syncs. It also has a newsletter to help you stay ahead of important developments in this area.

    Music Austria: Model Contracts
    – Music Austria have both German and English language model contracts for Licence Agreements to help you understand what a good and fair contract should look like.

  • Promotion, Press and Radio: Every country, genre and locality will have publications and websites focused on music. There are a number of ways of engaging and finding these in order to promote your release, from doing your own research, to asking networks or hiring a PR in the country you want to export to, the options are open-ended. How you communicate with writers and publications (via DM, email, submithub etc) is flexible too. Here are some resources to support you in your press strategy for export:Finding Publications in other countries
    – It can be difficult to find out what publications people read in other countries, however there are a few tools and ways to discover who might write about your music.
    – Use search engines to find out who has written about tracks or albums by artists that sound like you.
    – Find artists on a similar level in your target territory and check their social media for indication of who might be promoting them.
    – Search for influencers or social media personalities in specific countries that support music

    Off The Record: Guide To Press and Media
    – This is a UK-based guide that will help you understand not only how to get started with your own press but also how press works, how to approach writers and what research is needed before you start. the broadcasting map of Europe
    – Radio is still a hugely important tool for ensuring your music reaches a wider audience. This radio map not only will let you discover the variety of radio stations across the EU but you can tune into them too. Don’t forget: many countries have rules about playing a certain amount of music in their national language, so it can be harder to get coverage if you’re singing in a different language.

    Coordinating International Promo by CNM
    – The French Music Export Office CNM has put together this brilliant video in which they cover how to make sure you have everything in place that you need in order to coordinate an international campaign. Watch on Facebook:

  • Marketing: Marketing comes in many forms from flyers and badges to Facebook ads, there’s a wide range of ways to market your work. When it comes to exporting your release digital marketing is often easiest – and with the specific targeting tools with ads and platforms you can now locate and present your work to specific markets. When doing this you need to think about what language your assets are in, what platforms you are directing people to (check distribution for more information on what platforms are most popular in different countries) and what social media you choose to use.- Off The Record: Guide to Marketing and promoting yourself as an artist
    – This UK-based guide looks at the best practice for marketing and promotion when it comes to being an artist online. These universal tips can be applied anywhere:

    Songtrust: EPK Guide
    – How to create a brilliant EPK to show the best of your work and communicate clearly to those who might want to write about you or book you for a live show.

    CNM: Social Networks and Digital Marketing – Practical Export Kit [French]
    – The French Export Office has put together a guide on using digital marketing to help export your work, alongside videos and explanations they link to the best practice guides on each platform.

  • Collecting your royalties: Collecting your royalties is an important part of ensuring your release is set up for export. Ensuring you’re registered, correctly, in the territories your music is available is key to maximising your earnings. Many countries will have a national collection service that will work with international services to find everything you’re owed, or you can use tools like songtrust to do this for you.- PPL: International Collections
    – PPL is the UK based phonographic collection service – meaning they collect on recordings of music. They have a useful guide to the basic things you can do to maximise your international royalties.
    – CMU: Music Copyright
    – CMU has a great guide to explain different music copyrights and how they work to ensure you get paid. Read the basics here then click on their ‘Music Copyright Explained’ guide for more information and resources
    – Songtrust: A Guide To Neighbouring Rights
    – Songtrust has a guide to neighbouring rights to better explain how collecting on international royalties work – this is important for export and making sure you collect money internationally for your work
1.4 Exporting your live show
  • Getting Shows: Tour routing and budgeting: One of the first things you’ll have to do when exporting your live show is work out your routing, which cities and in which order they make the most sense and the budget for your tour, both the expected income and expected expenditure. This will help you understand if you need to find funding to support your work or how much money you’ll need to break even.

    CD Baby: How to Tour Europe without a Booking Agent or Label
    This guide and accompanying talk is a budget friendly run down of how to run a European tour without support from a booking agent and label. There’s useful advice about how many shows you should play, and getting the most out of your time to build the foundation for further export success in the future.

    Article: Gateway: How to Plan a Music TourA video guide of how to plan a tour with linked resources to help you develop your own plans from Music Gateway

    The Crafty Musician: Tour Budgeting Spreadsheet Template
    Working out the best way to track your income and expenditure on tour is important. This free budgeting template is a useful start that can be personalised to your needs and your tour.

    Music Austria: Model Contracts
    Music Austria have both German and English language model contracts for concert and festival agreements to help you understand what a good and fair contract should look like.\

    Venues, Festivals and promoters
    Association of Independent Promoters (UK) – Some countries will have organisations dedicated to bringing together independent promoters – the UK Association includes a detailed list of all members which can be useful in finding promoters that might want to book you. Make sure you look at their websites to see if your sound would fit with their shows. They also provide a useful ‘jargon buster’ so you can better understand the booking terms that might be used.

    Music Estonia: Map. This is a useful tool to find out more about the venues and festivals in Estonia, you can even filtre by size so you can find spaces appropriate for the size of your audiences:

    Music Latvia: A list of music venues in Latvia from the Latvian Music Export office to help you find a venue that could work for you:


  • Visas and border crossing rules: It can be difficult to understand the requirements for work and travel in other countries and mistakes are sometimes costly. It’s vital that you ensure all paperwork, visa and carnets are applied for if they’re necessary for the activity you want to undertake. Often your local export office or department for trade can support you in ensuring you have what you need, but there are many other resources Touring in the UK from Europe
    Since Brexit the rules for touring the UK from a European country are slightly more complicated to understand have a straight forward guide to understanding what you need to do: (In Dutch)

    LIVE:Touring for UK Musicians in Europe
    An overview of what is needed for UK musicians to be able to tour Europe post brexit:

    Touring Artist: Visa and Residency
    This German-based website is full of information for artist mobility, linking to all the forms and examples you might need for taxes etc. It also has all the details you need for staying in Germany if you’re from outside the EU.

    European Commission: The Schengen visa
    Make sure you know exactly which countries are included in the Schengen Visa to ensure you’re not hit with any costly taxes or fees:



  • Showcasing: When your export ready showcases can be a very effective way of exporting your live show, events like ESNS, Reeperbahn Festival, The Great Escape and Tallinn Music Week are dedicated to showcasing new music and networking the music industry. Bringing artists and professionals together they support learning, networking and live shows. Many showcases have open calls where you’re able to submit your music and many export offices will provide financial support for musicians and professionals travelling to showcases.

    ESNS Radar: Showcase Archive
    Want to know more about the showcases that exist and who’s played them? ESNS Radar gives an overview of European showcases and who has been booked to play them.

    Ditto: Apply to Play Festivals and Events Across The World
    Ditto have put together this useful map of events that you can apply to play across the world. All applications are free to submit.


  • Networking advice: It’s okay if you’re not a natural at networking, and if you are, it’s still useful to reflect on how you can more effectively or efficiently network at events and digitally. This is especially important when it comes to attending showcase festivals. These resources will help ensure you’re fully prepared.

    Songtrust: Networking checklist
    Want to make sure you’re ready for networking and prepared to make the most of opportunities that might come your way? Use the Songtrust networking checklist to boost your confidence and feel prepared.

    Networking 101: Keychange
    This article from Keychange written by Tamara Gal-on is a great outline of how to make the most of networking opportunities, how to follow up on them and ensure that those connections don’t go to waste.


  • Networks to plug into: There are networks all over Europe to help connect you to others that can support you in exporting your live show. Whether it’s promoters, agents, venues or artists, These networks are useful for asking questions, finding contacts and connecting with your peers. Just remember: it’s important to give back when it comes to joining a network. What information do you have that might support international acts exporting their live show?

    DIY Touring UK/Europe: Facebook Group: Facebook has a wealth of groups to support touring musicians connect with each other as well as venues/promoters. This group is highly active and supports all genres.

    BDT Source Discord: There are many discords full of active and engaged music communities, this one originates in the UK to support your development.

    Keychange: Network of women and gender minorities in all areas of music, look in the directory for the countries and profiles you’re looking for then reach out.

2.Building your export profile (next steps)
2.1 Innovation and tools

Digital tools:

NFTS, Web3 and future facing innovations for export: There are a number of exciting innovations in music and related arts fields that may open the door to new export opportunities. It can be hard to keep up with developments but there are many others doing this and providing insight for musicians and the music industry alike to stay on top of developments.

  • Water & Music
    Water and Music are a community that you can join to look both learn and contribute to the reach and development of innovative tools relating to music. Both a community and a publisher their work will keep you up to date on all developments. Not ready to join? Follow them on socials to get a better idea of their work.
  • Coopahtroopa: Music NFT Landscape
    Want a total overview of what is possible and what others are doing in the music NFT landscape? This will break it down and help you understand the possibilities when it comes to building an audience on Web3 via NFT’s.


  • Case Study: Why NFTs Are The Future for Independent Artists – LATASHÁ
    This insightful case study from NFT Now shows how NFTs can impact an artists career and help consolidate a fanbase:
  • Music Ally TV: Music & AI with Richie Hawtin and Endel CEO Oleg Stavitsky
    Watch for an insightful conversation between musicians Richie Hawtin and Endel (a music app that generates personalised sound environments) CEO Oleg Stavitsky. Discover what might be possible in the future when it comes to AI and Music.
  • Reed Smith Guide to the Metaverse: Music
    This is a granular look at the opportunities and limitations of the metaverse as a tool for music.
  • Amaze VR x Megan Thee Stallion: Welcome to the Hottieverse
    Find out more about how VR and metaverse concerts work by checking out this Amaze VR x Megan Thee Stallion project ‘Welcome To The Hottieverse’.
  • Vimeo: What is a Video NFT?
    A simple guide on what a video based NFT is and how you can create one, along with information on how it empowers creators.

Resources / newsletters etc: This is a fast-moving space so it can be useful to sign up and follow those that are on the forefront of the music innovation space. Signing up for regular mailers that cover what’s new can be a straightforward way to find potential new export opportunities.

  • The Knowledge by Music Ally
    This is a useful newsletter which covers some tech and innovation alongside key industry news. They also share opportunities and general industry trends.
  • Motive Unknown: Digest
    This digest is a useful rundown of all the latest tech developments and how they apply to music. Often the newsletters are daily and will help you keep up with this fast moving landscape:
  • Music X
    A deep dive into everything around innovation in music run by Bas Grasmayer and Maarten Walraven
2.1.1 Coopahtroopa: Music NFT Landscape
2.2 Building a team/networks

How to find people in different countries: Finding the right people to support your endeavours in a new territory is key to success. Whether it’s a distributor, agent or publisher, these connections are vital to helping you build a foundation and a fanbase. It can be difficult to know where to start with finding these people, but these resources and the country guides provided in this resource centre can support you in making those first steps.

Databases Listing Women & Gender Minority Music Artists and Industry Professionals by Keychange

  • This is a rundown of some of the best European resources out there to support you in finding new team members that are women or gender minorities.

European Jazz Network Country Guides

  • Specifically for Jazz focused music the EJN have put together comprehensive guides for more than 20 countries. A great starting point to finding more information about organisations and individuals in each country

Use your network

  • Want to find someone specific? Ask those around you who they might know, show up to networking events in your home country and ask others. This works much better if you have a specific goals eg. a country or sector you’re trying to reach.

Where to spend your money – what makes sense

Tip and Templates for Contacting people: These tips and templates (In English) can help you better understand what you need to include when reaching out to people in different countries that might not be aware of what you do already

  • Keep it short: offer to send more information but grab their attention with the headline information on who you are and what you’d like to do/what you’d like them to do.
  • Make sure you clearly include music: don’t link to a platform that needs a subscription (eg. Spotify, Tidal etc) as they might not subscribe, a YouTube or Soundcloud link will ensure they can listen.
  • Include figures where you can: even if you don’t have thousands of streams, or a huge instagram following, include some information about where you’re at and how your fanbase is growing.
  • Show some personality: Don’t make it too complex or out there, but think about how you can tailor your email and show your personality
  • Offer to have a call: some people prefer a call, and sometimes it’s easier to get an understanding of an artist and whether you’d want to work with the
  • Chase three times and no more: If you email someone three times with no response it’s best to move on and come back to that person when you have something new to tell them about.
  • Template for a record label
  • Template for an agent/promoter
2.3 Funding your export (Applying for funding and financing your own)

Funding available: Most export offices will have details of funds available in your country. Many countries have arts councils that support cultural organisations and individuals in new work. Not all funds will allow international travel so it’s important when considering funds whether they are appropriate for export. Here are some further resources:

On The Move: Mobility Funding Guides

  • On The Move have many mobility funding guides to identify funds that support cultural mobility. This includes art, dance and circus as well as music. (please note, most guides are in English)

LiveDMA: European Funding Resources
–    LiveDMA have a huge resources platform full of information and data for the music sector across Europe, particularly that have a list of EU funding opportunities:
Creatives Unite
–    Creatives Unite have a tool to help you discover EU-based funding that works specifically for your project. Answer a few questions and they’ll help you find the answers: 
-    European Commission: Discover funding opportunities for the Cultural and Creative Sectors
-    Need help finding European-based funding for your project? A few clicks and you’ll be able to find all the European Commission projects that might be applicable: 
-    Funding application advice
-    Budget sheets for financing

2.4 Collaboration and international creative development

There’s plenty of ways to export your own music effectively, but working with others is another way to develop your practice while exporting your music. Whether it’s via a remix, a songwriting camp or a residency the benefit of collaboration based export is that it allows you to develop networks and community in other territories, and when working with other artists it can often mean you can leverage their fanbase for support too.

Writing camps and residencies

Songtrust Split Sheet:

This free split sheet will help ensure that all collaborative work is clearly and fairly split between the creators, allowing you to collect the royalties and any money you are owed for your work.

Music Austria: Remix Agreements

Remixes can be an effective way of collaborating with other artists independently. Music Austria provide German and English language model contracts to help you ensure that agreements are fair for all involved:

Musician Wave/Music Gateway: Music Collaboration Apps and Websites

Need a tool to help you write music with someone else remotely? This 2022 run down of the latest tools will help you find the right one for you. Don’t forget: Some apps aren’t available in every country, check with your collaborator what works for them before picking a tool to use:

2.5 Sustainability in Export

With the global climate crisis becoming an everyday reality, it’s important to find sustainable options within our export activity. There are a number of organisations working to support festivals and events to become less polluting but we all need to consider our individual impact too. Here are a number of resources that can help you begin on this journey:

Footprints: Carbon Accounting by Gwendolenn Sharp

Understand how to proceed with carbon accounting and why it may help you to see and understand your ecological impact.

Shift Culture: Environmental Sustainability Resources

Although this is not specific to export, Shift Culture have provided a number of resources from a carbon calculator to best practice examples for you to help make your work and export more sustainable


Green Music Australia: Sound Country Guide

This Australia-based guide to sustainable music is a brilliant place to start if you want to know more about what actions you can make to ensure your events and tours are more sustainable.


IMPALA Carbon Calculator

Independent membership organisation IMPALA have created the first bespoke carbon calculator and environmental impact measurement tool for the independent recorded music sector.


PMI: Sustainable Music Manifesto

PMI, the Italian Association of Independent Music Producers, created the Sustainable Music Manifesto which encompasses a programme of 10 core targets. Anyone can sign up to this and aim to improve their musical carbon footprint.


3.1 Overview of all resources
All resources

On The Move 

On The Move (Mobility Funding Guides)

Live DMA Resources Platform

Footprints - Resources Platform - Support for Belgium-based musicians to export with additional useful resources for all

LIVE - UK organisation for Live Music

Lighthouse - Membership organisation for Expert Export advice and resources including budget templates:

CD Baby - Releasing Music -

Green Music Australia -

Soundcharts - Mechanics of the music industry

PPL - International collections

CMU - DIY Guides

Songtrust - Resource centre

European Music Council:

Gig Life Pro: The Inside Info On All Things APAC

Arts infopoint

Music Norway Tools


Articles of interest

Music Export Sweden - Sustaining Sweden's Export success report:

Perform Europe - Sustainability Through Innovation Report

Off The Record - UK-based guides for releasing, PR, company set up etc.

Pitchfork - The music metaverse is almost ready to conquer the world



Reference list
(the last one is for amateur arts and not available in English)

FIT (Flanders Invest & Trade)
(not available in English...)

SABAM (local PRS)
ps  you have to be a Sabam member to get those grants, is the info in the EMEE knowledge base meant for foreign organisations/artists who want to apply for something in BE?

ADVISE (no resources)